Wednesday, November 28, 2012

a thankful and busy time...

lovely time of year giving free reign to say thank you and be appreciative of friends, family, nature and the fortunate lives we lead..and also being mindful and caring for those who do not feel this-but more on that in my annual giving post in a few weeks.

thankful for the immense saguaro cactus with it aged beauty and regalness

thankful for the congregation of birds perching everywhere

thankful for living near the infinity ocean and all its splendor

thankful for working hard and loving it

thankful for the quirky natural world

AND...thankful for the wonderful individuals and stores around the country who embrace and celebrate my work and enable me to keep doing something I love-

new work recently delivered to the DeYoung Museum, Valerianne, Silver Oak Vineyards, Essentia and to some new stores carrying my work: High Falls Mercantile, Lines Orchids, Susan Fredman Design, Gardener of Bath

and am immersed in working on the new spring pieces for Anthropologie to be sold excusively online-
available in 2013

as always- do get in touch and I am pledging to produce a newsletter this year to those on the mail list in january! send me your e-mail if you want to be on it..