Monday, January 25, 2016

rounding up 2015

So much going on, in the studio, in the world and trying to track and manage both can become a bit overwhelming. So I choose to consider both in my approach to my world. Building on the directed giving with Prison radio, I also did a campaign of "good giving" "good getting" for an amazing community radio station here in San Francisco. KPOO provides a voice and a conduit for communities slowly being silenced here in the Bay Area- as well as providing some amazing music that certainly help me get in my groove at the studio-
I am going to continue to organize donations of work to benefit a single organization. But I also worked on fulfilling my self imposed mandate to donate a percentage of proceeds of my work to the causes and groups that I believe in.
Making and creating is so satisfying, but I love the idea that it can also benefit a larger good.
This year, my end of year donations were made to groups pertaining to the following issues: hunger, women's health, community radio, new media, rural libraries, prison reform, migrant workers and more.
What will you support in 2016?
Give your time, give money if you can. Give back and do more..
In 2016 I hope to do more hands on volunteering as well as figure out more ways to engage.
so many possibilities!
Happy New Year to all...